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Friday, February 13, 2015

A Brighter Future Ahead

We actually had a baptism this week!!! Her name is Valeria and the hermana I replaced contacted her right before she finished her mission!  Her story is incredible but I don't have enough time to explain it all this second. :/  The part that was most amazing about her baptism, was seeing how free she felt from it. She had made a lot of mistakes in her life, and felt so burdened by guilt and by the sorrow it has caused her and her family . When she exited the font, she was glowing and it was obvious that all of those heavy feelings had left her. She has such a committment to do things right and to follow the Savior, and has experienced the joy that comes through repentance.  Sometimes thatss a word that strikes fear into peoples hearts, but repentance always means a brighter future ahead, and it's been a miracle being able to see a change in people through this gospel.  To see people who once felt so burdened and alone for the first time look to the future with hope because they KNOW that the things that happened in the past are washed away, and that through the atonement of Jesus Christ they can continually feel the peace and joy that comes from living in the way that He wants, the way that He knows will bring us the most happiness. 

This week has been one of the most stressful weeks in the mission because of a combination of things, but seeing Valeria be baptised at the end of it is the reason why as missionaries we always push through, so that other people can receive this happiness as well and live life to the fullest with their families :  ) I love you so much and am and can't wait to hear about whats going to happen next in yourlife, because I know youre being prepared for bigger and better things :) have an awesome week! :)
Hermana Temple

(You can write to Hermana Temple at

More photos below and some with President Warne.

Mission President Warne on the very right end.

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